opportunity cost value

英 [ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti kɒst ˈvæljuː] 美 [ˌɑːpərˈtuːnəti kɔːst ˈvæljuː]




  1. Opportunity cost is the value of the sacrifice or opportunity for-gone.
  2. The opportunity cost of capital is 10%. We can calculate the NPV as follows* capitalized value
  3. Their opportunity cost is the value of unexploited resources, so they take a long view.
  4. The true opportunity cost of using the excess capacity is the change in the value of the firm's options.
  5. We can apply the opportunity cost theory to find out the value of youth, healthy body and mind.
  6. In addition, firms invest current assets using cash flow, however, the increasing of current assets does not add opportunity cost but increase firm's value.
  7. This paper analysis the time sector of library services by economic methods, discusses the relationship of time value and opportunity cost, points that saving time bring about value, advances relevant measures for saving time.
  8. This paper suggests definitely that it is necessary to evaluate the opportunity cost of capital with Minimum Attractive Rate of Return, and to evaluate the economic benefit of project based on Rule of Maximal Net Present Value scientifically.
  9. This research compared various domestic and foreign calculating methods of pollution loss, including human capital method, opportunity cost method, engineering expense method, replacement of market value method, recovering expense method, investigation judging method, etc.;
  10. However the traditional accounting index in measuring enterprise value inherent defect, Traditional accounting indexes such as EPS, roe did not consider the opportunity cost of equity capital, difficult to objectively reflect the value of the business.
  11. Therefore, economic value added ( EVA) emerge as the times require index, EVA index overcomes the defects of traditional accounting indexes, its most important characteristic is to consider the opportunity cost of equity capital, can more realistically reflect the ability of value creation.
  12. So it proposes an opportunity cost approach for resource selection, which considers combination of explicit cost and failure penalty, models after the failure rate of resource by negative exponential function of trust value and provides a quantum method of opportunity cost.
  13. The value management overcomes the original profit management flaw, creates the economic efficiency higher than the capital opportunity cost, The economical capital is an important component of the Commercial bank value management.
  14. What the value estimates is economic profit, once the income is bigger than the opportunity cost, the enterprise creates value; or there will be value damage.
  15. Economic value added ( EVA) is a new kind of index for performance evaluation. Compared with the traditional financial indicators, it emphasizes the opportunity cost and pays attention to the effective use of the capital and the ability of value creation.